Quick Reference Sheet for Application-type Blueprint-based Pipelines

Posted by Willy-Peter Schaub on Fri 30 April 2021

Summarising the main points of our 2nd generation app-type blueprint-based pipelines.

Quick Reference Posters help us foster collaboration, visualise and get across key points for specific topics. They also serve as handy cheat sheets :)

YAML Application-type Blueprint-based Pipeline Quick Reference


The quick reference poster introduces:

  • Left-hand side, introduces our app-type specific starter template, which is the only part engineers have to copy-paste into their application repository to get started, as well as a list of optional parameters we can pass to the extended template.
  • In the centre of the poster, is an extract from our universal artifact app-type specific continuous integration (CI) / build template, which optionally includes the continuous deployment (CD) template once done.
  • On the right-hand side, is an extract from our universal artifact app-type specific continuous deployment (CD) / release template. Note the flow variable, which is a strategy we covered in How to share variables amongst Azure Pipeline agents



Enjoy and remember that we crave candid feedback to sprinkle value over these artifacts!

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