Azure DevOps Pipeline OSS v2.1 Flow

Posted by Willy-Peter Schaub on Wed 22 February 2023

Two pull requests with pipeline updates for your perusal.

We recently enhanced our in-house Azure Pipelines v2 application-type blueprints. Although we deemed the latest blueprint as too WorkSafeBC specific and therefore have not published it, we posted two pull requests with an update to the git-tools-git-version.yml template, PR#13, and an update to the overall pipeline workflow, PR#14.

Path Version Variable

The change in the git-tools-git-version.yml template is subtle. By adding line 83 we create and set both the semVersion and the patchVersion variable.

81  - powershell: |
82      Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=semVersion;isOutput=true]$(GitVersion.MajorMinorPatch)"
83      Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=patchVersion;isOutput=true]$(GitVersion.Patch)"

Refer to Pull Request 13 for details.


Pre-Production Automation Stage

With the v2 blueprints we introduced the Quality Assurance Automation and Security Automation stages, allowing you to run quality assurance automation after deploying to development or system test environment, as well as security automation before triggering a security review.

v2 pipeline flow


As per discussion with 604Kev we introduced a pre-production automation stage, allowing you to perform trivial tasks before deploying to production environments, such as:

  • Notifying release management
  • Creating work items of Azure Boards for tracking
  • Telemetry

v2.1 pipeline flow


Refer to Pull Request 14 for details.

Hope you like the improvements. Next up is a Cloud Native Web Application blueprint.