These are my living personal study notes. Use them at your own risk!
- Custom Vision service has a model you can build and train for classification or object detection (class name, probability score, bounding box).
- Computer Vision detects faces, Face Service finds and recognizes similar faces.
- Face Detection helps detect and recognize people's faces.
- Form Recognizer service has a custom model users can train, or a pre-built receipt model trained to work with receipts.
- Image Analysis helps extract information from the images, tag them, and create descriptive image summary.
- Image Classification classifies objects based on their content to answer the "what is the image?" question.
- Semantic Segmentation classifies pixels that belong to objects (detects) and highlights the object boundaries.
You perused:
- this->vision-workloads
Enjoy other learning notes:
- bots
- common-machine-learning-types
- common-workloads
- generative-ai
- guiding-principles
- natural-language-processing
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